Singaporean Company Buys Israeli Startup TipRanks for 0 Million

Singapore-based Prytek, which already owns 40% of Israeli startup TipRanks, is buying another 40% stake for $80 million, giving the startup a price tag of $200 million.

So far, TipRanks, founded in 2012, has raised $45 million from investors and sold $60 million worth of shares in secondary deals.

The company started out by creating a system to measure and rank professional stock analysts, and later built a content and financial analysis website with about 50,000 paying subscribers.

Its financial data system for businesses is integrated into the trading systems of Morgan Stanley, Nasdaq, eToro and most Israeli banks, allowing traders to obtain information on securities and commodities in real time. The company’s annual revenue is estimated at $20-30 million.

By Editor

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