“It broke me”: David Draiman came to Jerusalem to light a candle in memory of the late Eli Kay

About a week after the deadly shooting attack in the Old City, metal band “Disturbed” lead singer David Draiman, who is also by chance an American Jew and a Zionist, arrived at the gate. He saw the international news coverage of the attack, got upset – and decided to visit Israel again to recreate the last way of the late Eli Kay, who was killed in the attack, and light a candle in his memory.

It’s nice that I can show everyone, and declare: We are not afraid, “Draiman said.” I was furious at the coverage of the incident in the American, British and European media. It was awful. The headline in all the publications was ‘Palestinian shot dead’, not that there was a terrorist attack. They are so biased and are used without problem as a tool to sow more hatred for our people. ”

“This time the attack broke me,” he continued. “Maybe because I walked this road so many times on the way to the Western Wall.” The decision to publicly support Israel seems natural to Draiman, but he also admits that it has a price. “When you’re in a position like mine or like others’, who have the ability and courage to do what we do, the degree of danger you take on yourself to make a sound is … the word ‘scary’ does not express it.”

By Editor

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