Ruusa Vuori won the Näytös23 award – “I have a difficult relationship with the industry”, she says – Culture

On Friday, Aalto University’s fashion students will present their final works at the annual Exhibition. The best works were also awarded at the invited guest event organized on the Otaniemi campus.

Nöytös23 award won Ruusa Vuori. His work was considered finished and functional.

The recipient of the Näytös23 award was chosen by an international jury, which included a curator of Finnish origin and living in New York Ilari Laamanenan American stylist and artist Akeem Smith and a French fashion designer and consultant Alice Birch.

Ruusa Vuori told HS, that the starting point of the bachelor’s collection has been the body as a subject. The article also contains the work and ideas of other designers.

According to Vuori, the collection listens, analyzes and illustrates the body’s internalized information, senses and understanding of the body and its contours in relation to space. The sensitivity towards body sensations comes from Vuori’s dance background.

“I have tried to put the wearer in a position where it would be possible for him to explore the experience of his own body and to blur the contours of the body, which sometimes seem too concrete. A garment, a wearable object or thing acts as a gesture to enter a space where you can go a little further from your identity, hopefully as a liberating and calming element.”

Ruusa Vuori won the Näytös23 award.

“I hope that the wearable things I design could work as an extension of one’s own space. I have a difficult relationship with the industry. And I don’t really know how to place my designs in it, that’s why it’s easier to talk about wearables than clothes. The garment feels like a too clear outline,” says Vuori.


The shoes from the Vuori collection are sculptural works.


The shoes from the Vuori collection are sculptural works.


Shoes designed by Ruusa Vuori.


Shoes designed by Ruusa Vuori.


The show is part of the wider Fashion in Helsinki fashion week.


The show is part of the wider Fashion in Helsinki fashion week.

Finland The Textile & Fashion award went to a Latvian-based company Elina Silina with his master’s collection Daughter of The North. The jury praised not only the design but also the collection’s organic and sustainable material choices and commercial opportunities.

The collections also received recognition from cooperating parties. The Marimekko Award went Six to Lemmetyinen, which was praised, among other things, for its inventive use of material. The Fiskars awardee received praise for the same Risto Kirjonen. According to the jury, he uses materials in a way that stretches the boundaries between practical clothes and high fashion.


Fiskars awarded Risto Kirjonen for his inventive collection.


Fiskars awarded Risto Kirjonen for his inventive collection.

Organizers according to the themes of the final works, the sustainability of fashion is repeated. Several collections use recycled and reused materials. Along with this, ideas about non-discrimination in fashion are emphasized.

The Näytös23 event was realized in cooperation with different teams of Aalto University. In addition to fashion students and teachers, Aalto’s sound design, Aalto Studios media center and the school’s workshop masters have participated in the planning and implementation of the event.


This year's themes also feature the sustainability of fashion. Several collections use recycled and reused materials. The picture shows Sohvi Väänänen's collection.


This year’s themes also feature the sustainability of fashion. Several collections use recycled and reused materials. The picture shows Sohvi Väänänen’s collection.

Read more: What is a garment, young fashion designers ask now

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