Comic(On)Off returns to Naples, pop culture also in museums

A peaceful and fun invasion of Naples, which will bring the art of comics even to unusual places, such as the Capodimonte museum, the Pio Monte della Misericordia, the Darwin Dohrn museum and Palazzo Cavalcanti. Comic(On)Off returns from 4 April to 11 June, the international comics and pop culture event promoted and financed by the Municipality of Naples, which represents a sort of prelude to Comicon, the largest comics fair in Southern Italy, scheduled for April 25th to 28th. Between events, exhibitions, screenings and performances, the exponents of the ninth art will propose new creative experiences, editorial news and moments of entertainment for children and adults. The places that will host the events included in the event program also include the French Cultural Institute, the Order of Journalists and the Academy of Fine Arts. The collaboration with schools dedicated to comics is also confirmed for 2024 and there is also the involvement of entities active in the social sector, such as ‘Casa Mehari’ and the association ‘Le Kassandrè.


“The municipal administration’s policy of bringing culture into every area of ​​the city continues – underlines the coordinator of the cultural policies of the Municipality of Naples, Sergio Locoratolo – even with Comic(On)Off we carry forward this overall plan, with a different logic than to the main event of Comicon, which is the largest comics fair. We want to create a real cultural event with comics that relates to other experiences, other arts, music, audiovisual, social and to legality”.


It starts on April 4th with the French experimental cartoonist Marc-Antoine Mathieu, who presents the two books ‘Deep me and ‘Deep it’, a diptych between psychological thriller, philosophical reflections and graphic paradoxes. The following day it will be the turn of ‘Topolino 75’, which celebrates the anniversary of the famous periodical’s transition to the tabloid format. On April 24th Dario Sansone will be on stage, transforming his music into anthropomorphic images, portraits, masks and silhouettes. “We will have a series of events starting in April and ending in mid-June – explains the coordinator of Comic(On)Off, Erika Torlo – We are expecting many enthusiasts and curious people, Neapolitans and tourists, also because all the events have free entry and for To find out about the various events, simply follow our social channels.”

By Editor

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