Members of indigenous peoples will perform ancestral rituals to reverse the drought in Mexico

Members of indigenous peoples will perform ancestral rituals to reverse the drought in Mexico

In order to reverse the drought that affects several regions of Mexico, representatives of indigenous peoples will perform ancestral ceremonies in five archaeological zones of the country to ask the deities generators of life let it Rain.

Rooted in their traditions and worldview, the cultural events will be held on May 3, 12, 15, 23 and 26 at 12 noon in Cuiculco (Mexico City); El Tajín (Veracruz); Trenches (Sonora); Las Yácatas (Michoacán), and Ek Balam (Yucatán), respectively.

It gives me great pleasure to see that my indigenous brothers are concerned about this great environmental imbalance that we have had to live through, although planting times are coming. However, we must understand that nature is speaking to us in its codeRomualdo García de Luna, a native of Papantla, Veracruz, explained in a conference.

“Through her language she tells us: ‘I’m sick.’ It is not that nature does not want it to rain, but that we have made it sick; We have given him a flu, or rather a cancer. We must study where the condition is to apply the injection.

But an injection of spirituality, that which is within us and that has brought us to this meeting to delve deeper into the importance of speaking with our deities that are generators of life, like water.

From the Cencalli museum: House of Corn and Food Culture, located in the Los Pinos Cultural Complex, García de Luna, accompanied by other members of indigenous communities, indicated that each culture (in each entity) has its deity. “Tláloc is one of them, and that is how it is known in the Nahuatl language. In the Totonaca it is Aktsini. Among the Mayans it is Chaac. We are going to ask those deities for that little drop that the insects, the cornfields, and nature need.

“The ceremonies will be accompanied by our traditional doctors and ritualists, specialists in invoking and dialoguing with the gods. We will do it carefully, because when doing a ceremony, we have to save 12 days, spiritually and physically, for there to be a response. They will be at noon, because that is when our deities go down to the sacred places and there is a connection between the Sun and the Earth and the underworld.

In the ritual, offerings are placed, among other elements such as bread, mole, chocolate, coffee, because the gods dance and eat with us, since they are at our side, not in front or behind. We meditate, there is dance, sounds, among other sounds derived from the drum, the flute and the violin. If you sing beautifully to the water, it will respond to youhe concluded.

At the end of the talk with the media, performers from locations in Puebla performed The dance of the flyers.

Subsequently, representatives of the Mexikan, Náayeri, Wixárika, Rarámui, Kumiai, Mayo, Seri, Guarijío, Pa Ipai and Otomí peoples held a ceremony in front of the Cencalli cornfield, and after a couple of hours the symbolic response arrived. your request: the Mexico City Water System reported light to regular rains in five municipalities

By Editor

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