The John Golding trust will donate 25 works by the British painter to Mexico

The John Golding arts trust, from the United Kingdom, announced as a first The Conference that will donate to Mexico a set of 25 works that reflects the creative career of this British painter and historian (1929-2012), with the purpose of once again being appreciated and valued in the country.

Paul Zuckerman, a friend of the artist and collector of his work, as well as president of the John Golding Artistic Trust (JGAT), considered in an interview that the exhibition John Golding: From London to Mexico, inaugurated on Wednesday night at the Museum of Modern Art (MAM), it is the starting point for that creator to regain the importance that he once had in our nation and be known by new generations.

We do this for love, not for financial gain. We have worked 15 years to bring this exhibition to Mexico, which is the first large exhibition dedicated to this important artist in this country. With it, the doors open here and several possibilities. Many people have no idea who he is or his relevance.he pointed.

An economist by training and a banker by profession, as well as the main financial sponsor of museum acquisition programs in the United Kingdom, Zuckerman specified that the works to be donated are part of the nearly 130 that make up the current exhibition at the MAM, which It will remain open until July 28.

The Mexican-Canadian artist Alondra Ruiz-Hernández, representative of Messums Org in America and main exhibition coordinator of the JGAT, promoters of this exhibition in Mexico, clarified that, before the donation, it is planned to take the exhibition to other national museums , in cities such as Puebla, Oaxaca, Monterrey and Guadalajara, and also to New York, United States.

The MAM is an incredible place for this exhibition, especially because it is exhibited next to the work of Mexican artists who marked and influenced it, in particular José Clemente Orozco. We later want to move these pieces to other cities in the country and deepen our knowledge of their institutions, to ensure that the works will not be warehoused.Zuckerman added.

As announced in these pages last Tuesday, John Golding: From Mexico to London It is the first large-scale retrospective presented in the country about this artist who, although born in England, is presented in the trust with his name as Anglo-Mexicansince here he grew up, lived his early youth and began his artistic career.

It’s a kind of homecoming, bringing you back from London to Mexico, indicated Jenna Lundin Aral, one of the two curators of the exhibition on the English side; the other is Dawn Ades, an expert in surrealism and Latin American art.

In a tour of the exhibition, the specialist highlighted that one of the great advantages of the English painter being presented at the MAM is that, through the venue’s collection, you can see how his story as an artist began, since his works now coexist with some by Diego Rivera, Orozco, Ghunter Gerzso and Lilia Carrillo.

It has a place in abstract art

Brenda Caro, chief curator of the MAM, echoed her English counterpart in celebrating Golding’s return to Mexico, the country where he grew up, began his career and had his primary references in art.

We are very happy for this return and to be able to learn about his work as a painter. He occupies or should occupy a very important place among the abstract proposals of the second half of the 20th century along with other artists of the time.said.

With this exhibition, we want to emphasize or highlight John’s work as a painter. Golding is well known for his work as a critic and art historian (in particular, for his seminal text on Cubism); It was brilliant and the brilliance of his ideas perhaps eclipsed that of his pictorial work, which is first rate. So, it is very relevant to rediscover the work of an artist who made a very deep reflection about the possibilities of painting, specifically abstraction.

The Mexican specialist explained that the exhibition takes a journey of plastic exploration from the creator’s first works to his final works, through five cores that correspond to different stages of his production.

Thus, there is Early Work, from 1950 to 1959; a period known as The Black Paintings, from 1959 to 1964, which is very important, because it is the prelude to the leap from figuration to abstraction and from the use of dark to the use of color; then comes Abstraction hard-edge, from 1964 to 1974; It follows Light and Color, from 1975 to 1982, and concludes with Lyrical Abstraction, from 1983 to 2002, where the last work made by the artist is exhibited.

Golding emphasized throughout his life that his upbringing in Mexico was very important, because the country impacted him not only in emotional aspects, but also in all its visual grammar.

Finally, He was fascinated, as he said, not only by the nature of the country, but also by the contact he had very early with the work of the muralists.signed Brenda Caro, who highlighted the closeness that the English artist had with Diego Rivera, the special admiration he paid to José Clemente Orozco and the closeness and friendship he maintained with Gunther Gerzso, who It was crucial to his work..

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