врачи бьют тревогу из.за роста количества детей, госпитализированных с постковидным синдромом

The Kan-11 TV channel, citing data from the Ministry of Health, reported an increase in cases of hospitalization of children with multisystem inflammation syndrome (PIMS), which developed after infection with coronavirus.

The TV channel reported that over the past week, 10 days were taken to hospitals with suspected post-covid syndrome, in six cases the diagnosis has already been confirmed, in other cases, patients are awaiting the results of examinations and tests. Doctors note that 10 days ago, one case of complications after a coronavirus infection was recorded per week.

The TV channel reported that doctors drew attention to the increased incidence of post-COVID syndrome in children about four days ago. Pediatric doctors and the Ministry of Health fear that the number of hospitalizations of children with PIMS will increase in the coming weeks.

The official website of the Ministry of Health states: “PIMS is considered the most severe complication of coronavirus in children and adolescents, and it can manifest itself as a violent and life-threatening illness (most children with this syndrome end up in intensive care, and about 1% – 2% dies.) Between 70% and 80% of children with this syndrome did not suffer from any chronic diseases. Since the beginning of the epidemic, more than 270 cases have been registered in Israel.”

According to the observation of Israeli and foreign doctors, the syndrome develops 3-6 weeks after infection with the coronavirus.

The Ministry of Health has asked hospitals to report new cases of hospitalization of children with post-COVID syndrome every day.

According to the Ministry of Health, the delta strain led to the hospitalization of 50-60 children with PIMS syndrome, one of the children died. The Omicron strain has already led to hospitalization of 177 children with post-COVID syndrome, 17 of them are in serious condition.

By Editor

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