Dozens have been infected in Corona 4 times since the onset of the plague
The UKHSA has revealed that 74 people in the UK have been positive for Corona four times since early April 2020. In addition, more than 8,700 people have been infected three times, and almost 800,000 Britons have been infected with the virus twice.Beyond biological factors such as a weakened immune system and non-observance of precautionary measures, the main factors that allow re-infection are a combination of a decrease in the amount of antibodies from the post-recovery period, along with new variants that relatively easily overcome existing antibodies. Replaced Delta in late 2021. According to the data most of the re-infections occurred during the Omicron wave in late 2021 and early 2022.

The Guardian has published the case of Mea Walton, a British student who has been sick in Corona 4 times over the past two years. Between vaccinations, she was vaccinated with two doses of vaccine.

Walton is a 20-year-old medical student from the North East of England. She snatched her first infection in September 2020, shortly before she left for university. “That was the point where everyone knew someone who knew someone who knew someone who had a corona,” she said. “But no one really knew anyone who had a corona. No one believed it, because everyone was like, ‘Well, I’ve never seen anyone. [עם זה]'”.

In late January 2021, both of Walton’s parents contracted corona. She took care to avoid contact, and left them food behind the door, but a few days later she had to undergo a corona test before starting the practical work at the hospital. The PCR returned positive for the second time.

The third case came a few weeks later. When a family member fell ill in Corona in Brussels, Walton flew to help care for the children. When she left the UK she underwent a negative PCR test. But before she came back she underwent another test which came out positive. for the third time.

While Walton testifies that she felt pretty good in those three cases, the fourth time was different. In early 2022 she contracted it again! This time she experienced flu-like symptoms several days after the positive test.

Walton also had an ironic angle to describe the saga: “The funniest thing about it all, really, is that every time I had it I was never near a hospital. But the whole time I worked with Corona patients I never got it.”

By Editor

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