What does the strongest man in the world eat?
The solution Julius Bjornson, known as “The Mountain”, recently revealed what his daily nutritional routine looks like as he prepares himself for the World’s Strongest Man competition for 2024, after already winning the title several times. In the competition, the 35-year-old actor will be required, among other things, to lift a rock that weighs about 200 kilos on his shoulder. in the smallAnyone who hears these numbers while fighting to lose a few stubborn kilos for the summer will surely say “Wow, what fun, you can eat as much as you want”, but it turns out that this is a whole world that requires precise daily practice, and it is not easy at all to cram the total calories into lunch The daily life of a person from the settlement. And not only that, many of the rules that apply to us, such as avoiding eating before bed, cannot work in this case, they are the opposite, and as in many cases in life, the how is sometimes just as important as the what.

A diet is a diet, and it requires discipline, consistency and precision from the body even when it comes to a diet for weight gain. Moreover, a large muscle mass achieved requires regular maintenance without which it will be lost. The results do not come without planning, which takes into account many environmental parameters such as the daily routine, mental states and training routine.

So how do you eat 8000 calories a day?

Bjornson understands that in order to preserve his muscle mass and reach his goal, he needs to adhere to a few principles, or as he says: “What helps me is that while I’m eating, I treat it like I’m at work.” By the way, his private chef is none other than his father, who turns out to be a rather thin guy.

  1. eat fast – To bypass the feeling of satiety, which comes only after 20 minutes, Bjorson eats fast. 20 minutes is the time interval between the moment the stomach is full and the moment when the nervous system starts sending signals to the body and the body feels full. This way, he manages to put in larger amounts of food at the same meal.
  2. No phone at dinner time – In direct continuation of the eating rhythm, Bjorson says that the phone distracts him and takes him out of concentration, and by putting the phone away he manages to focus on what is important – eating.
  3. 10 minutes of light exercise and a cold bath after every meal – The actor’s meals are very heavy and loaded with proteins, which require the digestive system to work after the meal is over, and the training in combination with the cold eases the process and allows him to continue his daily routine.
  4. There is also a cheat mill! – “There is nothing more boring than eating food you don’t like,” says Bjorson, and like any person on any diet, who understands that the mind is no less important to the success of the process, Bjorson is also known as a fan of ice cream, pizza, hamburgers and sushi, and allows himself days of deviation from the menu in order to continue to succeed A day after.

Still, what does his daily menu look like?

Bjorson opens the morning With 3 eggs, half a kilo of rice, half a cup of strawberries and two glasses of milk. For dessert he adds a health shake with orange juice, yogurt and blueberries.

About two hours later he returns to the kitchen to Snack which includes steak, two cups of rice and half a cup of vegetables with avocado.

In the afternoon He eats the same steak dinner without the avocado, and drinks a smoothie without the blueberries.

TEA TIMEHis includes two glasses of milk with jam and a peanut butter sandwich accompanied by a sliced ​​banana.

Dinner, which only contains about 1,400 calories (the total daily calories of an average person), he eats about half a kilo of rice, a huge steak and half a cup of beans, and in order not to feel hungry at night, right before bed he makes sure to eat more steak, rice, vegetables and avocado. Good luck in the competition.

By Editor

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