Processed foods: How harmful are they really to us?
The modern pace of life in the age of abundance causes marketers to offer us, the consumers, more and more pre-prepared foods and in this way choose faster and easier options to prepare, such as hot dogs for example. Unlike foods that contain basic ingredients such as: oil, sugar, salt and spices; Sausages, sausages and pastrami are ultra-processed foods. This basically means that they include ingredients that are difficult to find in the home kitchen, such as industrial additives (flavor, color or texture enhancers), which affect the body’s natural feeling of satiety. These foods are usually packaged and ready to eat immediately or require minimal preparation such as boiling in water.According to the Ministry of Health, increased consumption of ultra-processed food may lead to an increase in obesity and overweight, an increase in chronic morbidity as well as an increased risk of morbidity of various types of cancer. In addition, increased consumption of ultra-processed foods also changes the composition of bacteria in the digestive system, increases inflammation indicators in the body, causes increased morbidity and premature aging.

What do the hot dogs contain?

Hot dogs usually do not contain selected parts of meat, but different remnants of the less attractive parts of it, such as skin, for example, and they do not contain the nutritious nutritional components of the meat. In addition, in processed meat, there is a substance called N-Nitroso, which contains high amounts of nitrates. This substance is known to cause cancer and therefore, the growing recommendation is to reduce the consumption of processed meats, such as hot dogs and sausages. The Cancer Society points out studies that found a clear positive relationship between increased consumption of processed meat and red meat, and morbidity in various types of cancer, even after considering the other risk factors for the disease among the subjects.

Is the conclusion that it is worth removing hot dogs and sausages from the menu completely?

It is true that the goal is to provide our body with healthy food and to avoid processed meat products as much as possible, but between us – your diet does not have to be 100% perfect. From experience, this is simply not applicable. I like to call it the “80/20 rule”. In simple words – if most of the time you eat a Mediterranean diet and often consume vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, tahini, avocado and also consume eggs, fish, chicken and turkey and a small amount of milk and its products – you have already done something good for your health. Regarding hot dogs and sausages – as long as you eat them only occasionally and do not overdo it, you can sleep peacefully.

This way you will choose a better product

In general, the preferred sausages are those that are explicitly stated to be made from natural ingredients. Although many people think that the hot dog is a substitute for meat in the meal, it is important to know that the amount of protein it contains is usually low. On the other hand, the amount of sodium and fat is very high, not to mention the addition of sugar and food coloring that is usually added to the product. To choose a hot dog, hot dog or any food From another point of view, it is important to check the following indicators and see that the product does meet these standards:

protein: At least 10 grams per 100 grams
sodium: Up to 400 mg of sodium per 100 grams
Calories: Up to 250 calories per 100 grams
Preservatives: without preservatives

Also, you should always prefer plant-based sausages, chicken sausages from natural ingredients only, natural chicken sausages; Or turkey breast pastrami / honey, pastrami from 100% natural ingredients, real turkey pastrami, barbecue.

Sausage or pastrami – which is better?

Go for pastrami. Sausage contains large amounts of saturated fat and sodium, whereas pastrami is low in fat and usually made from a piece of turkey. As for pastrami, it is recommended to choose one with less salt, without monosodium glutamate and up to 2% fat.

In conclusion: Sausage, hot dog or pastrami are foods that are definitely not recommended to be consumed in excess. If you eat them rarely and include in your diet healthy foods recommended according to the Mediterranean diet – everything is fine.

Shir Alfi-Zegar, Senior Clinical Dietitian of the General Hospital in Dan District – Pet

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