Following the surgery that Netanyahu will undergo: what is an umbilical hernia, and how is the treatment carried out?
According to a statement from Netanyahu’s office on Saturday night, during a routine inspection, a hernia was discovered in the Prime Minister. In consultation with his doctors, it was decided that tonight (Sunday), at the end of the agenda, the Prime Minister will arrive at the hospital for the repair surgery which will be performed under full anesthesia. The bureau did not disclose the type of hernia, but as is known already in 2013, Netanyahu was rushed to the same hospital in Ein Kerem for urgent surgery to repair an umbilical hernia.What is a hernia?
It is a weakening of the area near the navel that causes compression of tissues and organs in the abdomen.

Why does a hernia occur?
An umbilical hernia (umbilical hernia) is a very common phenomenon especially in toddlers, when the muscle through which the blood vessels of the umbilical cord penetrated, does not contract well. In children, the phenomenon sometimes also occurs at the same time as several birth defects such as Down’s syndrome or Beckwith-Wiedmann syndrome. Umbilical hernia is common in obese adults or pregnant women.

What are the risks of hernia?
Without surgery, there is a fear that part of the intestines or fat tissue will be trapped inside the hernia without being able to return it. This condition is called an “incarcerated hernia” and is defined as a medical emergency in which the blood supply to the area is impaired and is accompanied by severe pain. The result is life-threatening necrosis, fear of intestinal perforation, severe inflammation of the abdominal cavity and general infection. The situation may even end in death. Some of the symptoms sometimes include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, when the hernia area looks prominent, its color is blue or black, and every touch is very painful.

What are the symptoms?
The size of an umbilical hernia varies from a width of one centimeter to five centimeters. Around the navel you will see a bulge that worsens when straining, sitting or crying. When lying down, the ballet bulge may straighten and not protrude. If the hernia is not incarcerated, i.e. “reversible” by pressing with the finger, the condition is usually not life-threatening. But when the hernia is closed, it is, as mentioned, a life-threatening emergency that requires urgent surgery.

How is an umbilical hernia diagnosed?
In most cases, an external examination by the surgeon is sufficient to make a diagnosis. However, imaging such as ultrasound or CT is sometimes required to confirm the existence of the hernia, its location, and whether there is an interruption in the blood supply to the area.

Surgery (Photo: Inimage)

How is the treatment carried out?
While in babies the umbilical hernia usually disappears by the age of five, in adults it remains permanent and requires surgery. In most cases, the hernia repair surgery is performed laparoscopically, when through three holes in the abdominal cavity a video camera is inserted in one place, and surgical instruments in another. Such an operation is performed without opening the abdominal cavity, with the surgical team watching the television screen. Such an operation allows for a faster recovery, and it requires only local and not general anesthesia. Netanyahu will undergo surgery under full anesthesia, so it is possible that due to the fact that he previously suffered from an umbilical hernia, this is a more complex procedure that will require a complete opening of the abdomen.

How long is the surgery?
Hernia repair using the laparoscopic method lasts about half an hour, while hernia repair with full opening of the abdomen and full anesthesia may take about two hours, after which the patient is transferred to recovery and hospitalization for several days until recovery.

Is the surgery dangerous?
The process of repairing a hernia is considered relatively simple. After opening the abdomen, the organs that were pushed through the weakened area in the abdomen are returned to their place, the hernia area is sutured and placed in a mesh area called mash that is fixed with staples.

How long is Netanyahu expected to be hospitalized?
In a full operation that includes opening the abdomen, the hospitalization usually lasts several days, after which the patient is asked to rest at home for several days.

Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital (Photo: Hadas Proosh, Flash 90)

Are there expected limitations on the Prime Minister’s performance?
Netanyahu will likely be required to avoid risk factors that could open the suture or tear the mesh and cause a recurrent hernia, and he will be asked to refrain from physical exertion and lifting heavy loads for several months.

When will Netanyahu be able to return to work?
The Prime Minister will be able to work in his office within a few days after being released to his home. In the meantime, he will be able to work at home, while making sure to rest. It is assumed that the surgeon will conduct the follow-up tests at his home.

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