7 foods you should eat at night

Bananas, chrysanthemum tea, and almonds are rich in vitamins and minerals, promoting the body to produce the hormones melatonin and serotonin to improve mood and deep sleep.

Wholemeal toast with peanut butter

Whole-wheat toast contains complex carbohydrates and fiber, which slow the rise in blood sugar levels. Combine them with peanut butter, which contains protein and healthy fats to help increase the feeling of fullness.

Peanut butter provides healthy fats to increase serotonin levels. This is a feel-good hormone that helps the body relax. You can also spread peanut butter on fruits for snacks.


Walnuts provide healthy fats including omega-3 fatty acids and linoleic acid. This food contributes to reducing high cholesterol levels (the main risk factor for heart disease), helps improve sleep quality, and promotes the body to produce melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the brain in response to darkness, regulating the body’s natural sleep cycle.

Cherry juice

Cherry juice is rich in magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, antioxidants. This drink causes drowsiness due to its high melatonin content.

Chrysanthemum tea

Chrysanthemum tea is rich in antioxidants apigenin and flavones. Apigenin can bind to certain receptors in the brain promoting sleepiness and reducing insomnia. Chrysanthemum is also beneficial for intestinal health, supporting the treatment of some digestive problems.


Kiwi is low in calories, beneficial for digestive health, contributes to inflammation and lowers cholesterol. These benefits are due to its antioxidant, fiber and carotenoid content. Serotonin contained in kiwi contributes to the regulation of sleep cycles.


Almonds contain healthy monounsaturated fats, fiber and antioxidants, B vitamins and magnesium that promote better sleep. Eating foods rich in magnesium helps you sleep deeply, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.


One medium-sized banana has about 11 mg of tryptophan. The body uses this compound to produce both melatonin and serotonin. Each substance plays a role in sleep regulation.

Bananas contain a number of antioxidants such as flavonoids and amines, which contribute to reducing the risk of heart disease and degenerative diseases. This fruit also helps prevent oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Low calories and high fiber make bananas a healthier snack compared to sugary canned foods.

By Editor

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