The danger of the burning fire: On Saturday evening and Sunday, thousands are expected to light the LJ BaOmer bonfires across the country and from past experience, the MDA warns of the dangers of the flaming fire and calls for extreme caution in all handling of bonfires and casualties.Every year the teams of Magen David Adom treat hundreds of casualties as a result of the bonfires. Also this year, MDA teams will be deployed and medically secure the large immolations that will take place throughout the country, with the largest concentrations expected in Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh, Bnei Brak, Elad, Netanya, Tiberias and the worshipers who have been approved by the security forces to go up to Mount Miron and hold the immolations there.

The MDA warns of the dangers in Lag BaOmer, including collecting planks, lighting bonfires, and staying around burning bonfires. When collecting the boards, stay away from nails and protruding things that could injure you. In the event of an injury, you must contact the health insurance clinic within 48 hours to receive an anti-tetanus vaccine, if it has not been given in the last five years.

Do not enter abandoned fields for fear of snakes and other poisonous animals. Do not enter construction sites either for fear of falling injuries and cuts. If you detect a missile with interceptor parts or any other suspicious object in open areas, keep everyone away from the scene and call the Israel Police on the 100 emergency line.

When setting up the campfire, make sure that an adult accompanies it to prevent injuries. The location of the bonfire should be determined in an area free of thorns and weeds and at a safe distance from buildings and facilities. Do not splash fuel or liquid kindling on the burning fire. This action is very dangerous and may cause immediate harm to children and adults in the campfire area.

It is recommended to thread the potatoes and onions on a wire thread when putting them in and out of the fire is done by an adult. Before serving them to the children, make sure they are not too hot to eat. Hot potatoes and onions can cause severe burns in the mouth. The campfire and the whispering coals, by pouring sand or water. If possible, the hot coals should be transferred to a coal collection facility.

If you catch fire in your clothes, stop and don’t run: lie on the ground and roll over several times or “smother” the fire with a blanket or towel. The victim’s head must be left exposed to prevent suffocation. Do not sleep in closed sleeping bags near a fire, for fear of a fire trap. In the event of a burn, cool the area with running lukewarm water and call 911. Do not remove or tear off charred clothing stuck to the burn area.

In the event of a burn in a certain area of ​​the body, immediately cool the area with running water, or place cold and moist gauze pads, preferably sterile, on the burn. You can also use cloth handkerchiefs or clothes. Don’t puncture blisters and don’t remove skin and don’t apply ointments or fatty substances to the burn. If possible, jewelry should be removed from the injured person. In case of splashing in the eye, it is recommended to wash the eye thoroughly with plenty of running water. Due to the unusual air pollution from the thick smoke, the MDA recommends that the elderly, pregnant women, heart patients, patients with lung diseases, as well as toddlers, stay in houses with closed windows.

By Editor

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