The 64-year-old nurse, who has received the coronavirus vaccine three times, has been declared a victim of complications after her health deteriorated, leaving her with facial paralysis and now requiring assistance. According to Walla!, the victim is expected to receive about a million shekels in compensation based on the law on vaccination victims.

According to the publication, about three days after the second vaccination, the woman began to feel very weak and tired, she slept 14 hours a day, but thought that this was a common side effect of the vaccination. She continued to experience other symptoms such as fever, nausea, rash, and muscle pain. She was tested for coronavirus and other tests were done, which revealed liver problems.

The nurse went to the emergency room at Kaplan Hospital, where she was diagnosed with facial paralysis on the right and then left side of her face, as well as hyperacusis (oversensitivity to noise). The woman continued treatment in hospitals and was observed by an otolaryngologist and an ophthalmologist.

After that, she received a third vaccination against coronavirus. The very next day, the woman developed pain behind her left ear, tingling in her left cheek, and then increased paralysis of the facial nerve on the left side, which led to drooping of the lower lip, constant tearing of the left eye and difficulty closing the eye.

Currently, the woman suffers from bilateral facial paralysis, she does not leave the house and is ashamed of her face. Her mental state deteriorated greatly. She was forced to quit her job. Her condition continues to deteriorate and she requires outside help. The woman cannot eat on her own, is forced to cover her eyes with bandages, suffers from drooling, and cannot smile. She is considered to be in need of care and is cared for by her husband and an assistant from Bituach Leumi.

It is important to note that for health care workers, as well as for nursing home workers, vaccination against coronavirus was mandatory.

By Editor

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