Twitter verified organizations will have a more affordable subscription level for small businesses

The CEO of Twitter, Elon Musk, has announced that it will make available to Verified Organizations a new, more affordable subscription level for small businesses, keeping the $1,000 monthly for larger organizations.

The company launched this tool globally at the end of March, when it indicated that these companies could manage the verification of their affiliate accounts, instead of the social network, as before.

Months before I had been testing this system,with which the gold badge is maintained, which it offers at a price of 1,149.50 euros per month in Spain, as well as an additional 61.50 euros per month for each affiliate account.

The high fees have been criticized by subscribing organisations, which have suggested to the CEO of the social network that he consider new prices according to the number of associated users.

Musk has attended these comments and has announced that it will make a new subscription level available to small businesses “lowest cost”, keeping the $1,000 a month he currently charges for “larger” organizations.

The also executive director of Tesla has assured that, for smaller organizations to subscribe to this level, they must “manage onboarding organizations carefully to prevent fraud.

By Editor

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