Internet security is no joke – stats show a drastic increase in the number of ransomware attacks with an estimated $265 billion in losses annually by 2031. Therefore, it’s imperative that you implement sturdy measures for your internet safety.

But, without technical expertise, how can you achieve this? Fortunately, we’re here to share insights into this cause. We’re sharing some of the methods you can use to increase internet safety for your home internet.

Implementing these, you can achieve robust protection as well as mitigate, if not eliminate, the chances of a cyberattack. So, let’s check these out quickly:

Use a Protected Internet Service

One of the many reasons people face such attacks is that they don’t use a protected internet. Either they connect with a public Wi-Fi or use an unprotected internet connection from their provider.

In such cases, as a user, you’re easily prone to cyberattacks since there aren’t any protective measures from your ISP’s end that would mitigate the instance. That’s why you need to get an internet connection from someone reliable.

Take Xfinity for instance; with its xFi Advanced Security, it prevents cyberattacks and protects its consumers from such instances. You can check out Xfinity Internet plans and find out what you’re getting alongside other internet security features such as parental controls, IP filtering, etc.

Keep Strong Passwords

Well, when the hacker is past your defenses, the last thing to prevent them is the password. Whether it’s for your Wi-Fi router or your accounts, keeping strong passwords will surely mitigate a breach or at least give you ample time to get rid of the problem.

In terms of keeping a strong password, you should use uppercase and lowercase alphabets. In addition, adding a number and a special symbol can further increase the strength of the password.

However, ensure that you’re not choosing a tough-to-remember password so that you don’t have trouble logging into your accounts. Speaking of which, try keeping separate passwords for all your accounts. That way the hacker may find it difficult and time-consuming to crack each account’s password.

Keep Wi-Fi Protocols and Firmware Updated

Just like our smartphones, we get firmware updates for our Wi-Fi routers. This happens to ensure that any bugs in the security protocols are eliminated and new security features are added to prevent breaches.

However, sometimes, the router model itself gets outdated and the company stops sending updates for it. You can find this when you’re trying to update the firmware and it notifies you of not having pending updates or that your router model is outdated.

Anyway, the point is to ensure that you’re installing updates so that any security loopholes are eliminated. Moreover, it also boosts the performance of the router, improving signal strength and coverage. Hence, it’s a win-win situation.

Get an Internet Security Suite

When it comes to internet security, the general firewall won’t cut it. Although your OS’s firewall is designed to protect the user since it’s built-in, still, you’d still need a third-party security suite to enhance the level of security.

But in this case, you should ensure that you’re not just opting for any security suite that pops up on the top of the search results. Check the options and evaluate them based on the security features they offer.

For instance, you can look for one that extends security to IP filtering, offers parental controls, actively scans the network for irregular activities, blocks malicious content, and more. With such features, you can easily find some of the best internet security software in the market.

In addition, ensure that you’re getting a premium version, not the free one since it’ll unlock all the features and will actively offer protection as advertised.

Changing Default IDs

Another effective technique to implement for strengthening the security of your home internet is to change the default IDs of your internet and connected devices. In most cases, hackers attempt to sabotage the network by infiltrating smart devices connected to the network.

This happens when the hackers attempt to access the devices using the default IDs. In most cases, the attempts do get successful and they can infiltrate the network by bypassing protocols via the connected device.

Hence, from your Wi-Fi router to your devices connected to it, ensure that you’ve changed the default IDs or at least the default access keys for them. This will mitigate the chances of such breaches occurring.

Get a VPN

Using a VPN while surfing the internet is a good way to avoid someone tracking your online presence. In addition, with a paid VPN service, you can change your IP and access websites that are not available in your area.

However, avoid using financial services or logging into any financial account while using a VPN. In such cases, your information isn’t fetched, and if this happens, it can be stored in a different default location, which can be lost.

Closing Thoughts

Cyberattacks and online scams are quite eminent and not taking preventive measures can result in some drastic consequences. With the above measures, you can improve your internet security at home, and prevent any instances from occurring.

By Editor

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