Sunday dawn – 3 planets line up

In the sky of the Arab world, the alignment of Venus, Saturn and Mars on the morning of Sunday, April 3, 2022, on the southeastern horizon, before sunrise, is observed in an event seen with the naked eye.

Venus will be to the left, followed by Saturn and then Mars, and these three planets will be in front of the constellation of Capricorn, and it will be noted that the apparent distance between Saturn and Mars has greatly reduced on the dome of the sky and that the gap between Venus on the one hand and Mars Saturn on the other has widened.

To the naked eye, Venus will appear as a bright ‘morning star’, while Mars and Saturn are dim.

The alignment of the planets means that they are in a row in the same region of the sky, as seen from Earth, and in most cases two or three planets form a line in the sky.

The alignment of the planets in space is never exactly in one straight line, since not all planets in the solar system revolve in the same plane around the sun.

In addition, this phenomenon depends a lot on our perspective, when the planets are aligned on one side of the sun, they are not necessarily in the same region of the sky for observers from Earth, and vice versa, when the planets are in the same part of the sky from our perspective on Earth, it is not necessary to align From the perspective of the sun.

By Editor

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