Android 15 will prohibit the download of apps for obsolete versions of its operating system |  Google |  Mashmallow |  TECHNOLOGY

Google is working to raise the threshold with which it prevents the parallel download of applications aimed at obsolete versions of its mobile operating system, which as of Android 15 will require them to target at least Android 7.0 Nougat.

The second preview of Android 15 Developer introduces a change focused on ensuring the security of the mobile device, as it blocks the attempt to install an application from outside the Google Play Store that has an SDK level lower than 24.

This change means that any attempt to parallel download an app targeting an outdated version of Android will trigger a dialog warning that an insecure app has been blocked because it does not have the latest security features. recent ones, as Android Police has warned.

Released in 2015, Android 6.0 made important changes to the operating system such as improving battery life and establishing requirements for apps to access users’ private information, requiring them to give permissions to process their information.

This change will come with Android 15, which is still in development at the moment, but follows a similar one that Google already made with Android 14, when it raised the threshold to level 23, that is, Android 6.0 Marshmallow. With the new threshold, applications must, at a minimum, be compatible with Android 7.0 Nougat.

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