At least 65 thousand people gathered in CU appreciate the cosmic spectacle

A commotion arose under some trees on the Islands, in Ciudad Universitaria, when the total eclipse of the Sun was just beginning to be noticeable. There were applause, shouts of bravo, and finally a chorus: Kiss Kiss! The protagonists were Natasha and Nambo, two students from the first semesters of Economics, who chose this astronomical event to seal their courtship.

In the same way that some researchers from the Institute of Geophysics took the opportunity to study the ionosphere, the layer of the Earth where various communication phenomena occur, and a group of biologists decided that it was an opportunity to observe the behavior of marine animals, Nambo, 21, thought it was a good idea to find out if his feelings for Natasha were reciprocated.

I have been planning it for days, but I couldn’t find a way to tell him what I feel. Today I felt that the eclipse was a good reason, and I asked him with some flowers.said Nambo, who arrived to observe the event dressed in a tailored suit and tie, despite the fact that the temperature in the city reached 29 degrees.

Good energy

We are very connected and just this weekend we were talking about the good energy we felt due to the approach of the eclipsesaid a blushing Natasha, in front of the curious witnesses.

According to the UNAM Civil Protection, 65 thousand people gathered in the university area to see the eclipse. The first people arrived at 9:00 a.m. and lay down under the shade of the trees. The stragglers had to use umbrellas, hats, tents and tents to protect themselves from the Sun while they waited for the eclipse.

Among the attendees, university students predominated, such as Daniela Arias and a group of five friends from the second semester of the engineering faculty, who organized to celebrate the birthday of one of them, during the observation of the eclipse.

We all go in the same group and decided to have breakfast together, we brought food and a cake because we are going to celebrate a friend.

But there were also families like that of Iván Morales, who came with his two children, who arrived with dark boxes armed with a welding mask with 14 filters, which they learned to make from a YouTube video.

▲ Appearance of the Islands in Ciudad Universitaria yesterday.Photo Pablo Ramos

They didn’t go to school, I dressed them up, I want them to live a different experience, maybe in classes they weren’t going to live it like they are doing here, in the community. I am sure that when the eclipse reaches its maximum point, you will experience a very special energyIvan said.

Very close to where Iván’s family was, there was a group of children playing with a piece of branch and a hole in the ground, while they waited for the eclipse to begin. Among them was Danae Marilu, almost 12 years old, who said:I am excited to see the eclipse, because it is the first one I will do with protective glasses, the previous one (October 2023), I saw it reflected in water.

In Mexico City the eclipse began to be noticeable at 10:55 a.m., and reached maximum coverage of 74.71 percent obscuration at 12:14 p.m. When the organizers announced it to the public there was applause and a goya. Also a faint breeze that began to sway the trees, as if the afternoon had come early.

“What beauty! It’s beautiful! people said after passing by the filter rack, which was improvised on the main esplanade of CU.

Vladimir Anton Ávila Reese, researcher at the UNAM Institute of Astronomy, said that the eclipse It is a moment that abstracts us, takes us out of everyday reality and shows us that we are part of a cosmic order, here we see how the Moon moves covering the Sun.

The specialist recalled that Solar eclipses occur twice a year, but mostly in the oceans, they reach the continents less frequently, and for them to be total, as is now happening in northern Mexico, they are less frequent.

He pointed out that after this eclipse, all that remains is to wait for the next one, which in Mexican territory will occur on March 30, 2052, while at the planetary level the next one will take place on August 2, 2026 and can be observed in Europe.

By Editor

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