Why don’t kids like broccoli?

Leo Outamaa, 11

Broccoli share opinions: even some adults don’t like broccoli. Even one of the former presidents of the United States, George H.W Bush, has publicly named broccoli as his favorite dish.

The reason for the disgust is probably the bitterness. Broccoli is a cabbage plant and belongs to the genus Brassica. Plants of this genus produce thiocyanate compounds that contain both nitrogen and sulfur. This combination can taste bitter.

Some people react to the bitterness of cabbage plants so sensitively that they don’t want to eat them. The preference may be innate. We all have genes that control how we taste different compounds.

Experiencing bitterness in Brassica plants has been linked to the taste receptor gene tas2r38, which controls our ability to taste thiocyanate compounds.

The version of the gene we get depends on how sensitively we taste bitterness. Therefore, some people are more sensitive to taste bitterness in broccoli as well.

On the other hand, the disgust of others can be a treat for others. Broccoli’s bitterness can be softened by toning recipes with, for example, herbs and grated cheese. I strongly recommend trying different options.

Mari Sandell

professor of sensory food research

university of Helsinki

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