Apple must open iPadOS to parallel download and allow deleting pre-installed apps in the European Union

Apple you will have to open the operating system of your tablets iPad to support the downloading of applications from sources other than the App Store and the uninstallation of own applications that arrive pre-installed.

The European Commission has designated iPadOS as an “access gatekeeper” under the Digital Markets Law which seeks to guarantee fair competition in the market, as already happened with the iPhone operating system (iOS), the Safari browser and the App Store digital store.

This designation follows an investigation begun in September into iPadOS, understanding that, despite not initially meeting the established criteria, it represents “an important gateway for professional users to reach end users.”

As a result, Apple will adapt iPadOS to the strictest requirements of the Digital Markets Law, for which a period of six months has been granted.

As part of these changes, the technology company must make it easier for users to remove applications that arrive pre-installed on iPad devices, which are usually from Apple, and open support so that this operating system also supports downloading and installing applications from external sources to the App Store, as reported in Bloomberg.

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