Apple resumes contact with OpenAI to implement generative AI functions on iPhone

Apple has resumed contact with the developer of the generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool ChatGPT, OpenAI, to implement functions based on this technology in its next iPhone model.

The company has been planning the deployment of AI-powered features on its phones for months and has already begun negotiating with Google to incorporate Gemini through software updates at the end of this year.

This was pointed out by Bloomberg in mid-March, the same medium that has now announced that Apple has resumed the conversations it paused at the beginning of the year with OpenAI about the use of its technology in iPhones.

The two technology companies would have begun to discuss the terms of a possible agreement and how OpenAI features would be integrated into the next iteration of their mobile operating system, iOS 18, according to people familiar with this pact.

Bloomberg has noted that, although it is not the first contact between the two companies, progress by both parties “had been minimal” since then, so this measure marks a reopening of talks between the two.

The journalist Mark Gurman has recalled in this preview that the next iPhone operating system will include several features based on the large language model (LLM) from Apple.

Likewise, those from Cupertino would have been looking for partners to promote a ‘chatbot’ similar to the one developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT, a tool used by Apple CEO Tim Cook, and which last year acknowledged that it had “a series of problems.” that had to be resolved.

Among the collaborators with whom Apple also would have established contact is the AI ​​startup Anthropicdeveloper of the generative AI models Claude 3 Haiku, Claude 3 Sonnet and Claude 3 Opus.

By Editor

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