The muzzle pushes into the snow at a speed of several meters per second.

No I guess it’s nice to be a mouse in winter. You should find food and survive in the freezing cold.

Fortunately, the clever little rodent can dig tunnels in the snow. There it presses contentedly, until suddenly death strikes from above. The fox’s muzzle pierces the snow, and the Repo man chases the mouse faster than he can say cat.

Foxes have a funny way of preying on small rodents in the snow. They walk in the wind and listen with their sharp ears to see if something is moving under the snow. If there is a rustle, they turn their heads to find out how deep the prey is moving. Then they jump into the air and plunge nose first into the snow.

A fox the sharp snout pierces the snow at a speed of up to four meters per second, according to what was published under May Day from a new study.

Biologists at Cornell University studied the skull and muzzle shapes of the fox and fox and compared them to more blunt-nosed felines, the cougar and the lynx. Then, for the test, they printed “stunt skulls” with a 3d printer, installed motion sensors in them and dropped the skulls nose-first into both water and snow from a height of half a meter. That’s one way to spend your day.

It turned out that the fox’s narrow muzzle sticks into the snow like a bullet. It splits or moves the snow out of its way and does not press it into a pile, unlike what happens to the lynx diving into the snow.

Phenomenon is somewhat the same as kingfishers. These birds have a very long and sharp beak, which allows them to dart into the water after a fish without nearly splashing a drop.

The fox hardly injures its snout when bouncing in the snow, the researchers conclude. Of course, there are many kinds of snow. A HS reader photographed in Vuosaari a couple of years ago a video in which a resident of Repo tried to blow up a project hardened by hypothermic rain with his muzzle.

This fox could have been foxed. On the other hand, the mouse was lucky.

Read more: A strange sight of nature in Vuosaari: A fox tried to get food from a spirit hardened by hypothermic water, the video shows the painful method

By Editor

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