German Chancellor Olaf Schulz slams Abu Mazen: “Disgusted by his statements”

Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Schulz attacked the chairman of the Palestinian Authority today (Wednesday). Abu Mazen After causing a stir when he refused to apologize for the massacre of the athletes in Munich, and said during a press conference with the Chancellor of Germany, that “Israel has committed 50 holocausts against the Palestinians.”

Abu Mazen refused to apologize for the massacre of the athletes and attacked Israel
“Holocaust denier in Berlin, drinking coffee in Rosh Ha’Ain”: Gantz is under fire after the Abu Mazen storm

“For us Germans in particular, any other attribution of the Holocaust is intolerable and unacceptable,” Schultz tweeted on his Twitter account, “I am disgusted by the outrageous statements of Palestinian President Abu Mazen.” In addition, the chancellor also told the German “Bild”: “It is not possible to underestimate the horrors of the Holocaust.”

In the meantime, the German ambassador to Israel also attacked the words of the chairman of the Palestinian Authority, saying that “What President Abbas said in Berlin about ’50 holocausts’ is wrong and unacceptable. Germany will never stand up to any attempt to deny the crimes of the Holocaust.”

By Editor

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