Cologne: Star conductor allegedly sent penis pictures | Regional

Köln – He leads the famous Gürzenich Orchestra, has been General Music Director of the City of Cologne since 2015 and has already conducted the BBC Symphony Orchestra. But now the music is playing for François-Xavier Roth (52) on a legal level: He is alleged to have sexually harassed orchestra members – among other things by sending them photos of his penis!

This is reported by the French magazine “Le Canard enchaîné”. Seven Musician and musicians are making allegations against the conductor from France.

Roth is said to have first sent flattering cell phone messages late at night. If he received a response, he sent kiss and heart emojis. Then his messages are said to have become more sexual – even including penis pictures.

Conductor lets his work rest

Roth admitted to the magazine that he had exchanged intimate messages: “If I have gone too far, I would like to apologize to those I have shocked.”

As the orchestra announced, Roth is now putting his work on hold. “The Gürzenich Orchestra and the city Köln We take the reporting on François-Xavier Roth and the issue of sexual harassment very seriously and are investigating it,” said management.

Meanwhile, the Cologne Politics Calls for his resignation are louder. Maria Helmis-Arend (SPD cultural policy spokeswoman): “François-Xavier Roth is no longer acceptable and must resign immediately. If he does not accept this, the city of Cologne must act and kick him out immediately.”

“I see no scope for François-Xavier Roth to return to the podium of the Philharmonie,” said Lorenz Deutsch, cultural policy spokesman for the FDP council group. “That would be an unacceptable signal to the people concerned and incomprehensible to the audience.

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