A giant inscription “Stalin” was installed on a hill in the Irkutsk region

The giant inscription “Stalin” was installed on a hill in the Irkutsk region, on Mount Kitkai, near the village of Novaya Uda, Baikal 24 reports.

According to Anatoly Obukhov (Communist Party of the Russian Federation), deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region, the inscription was installed in honor of Stalin’s first exile to Siberia. It is located near the gazebo, which was also installed in Soviet times in honor of Stalin (he allegedly climbed Kitkai in 1903); the structure was restored by local authorities in 2022.

The letters were installed by five local residents. According to the deputy, this is a new tourist attraction in the Angara region.

They spent 258 thousand rubles on the creation of the facility – they purchased iron sheets, wood and fasteners.

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