The Houthis unilaterally released more than 100 prisoners

The International Red Cross said Yemen’s Houthis unilaterally released 113 prisoners of war. They were handed over to the Red Cross on May 26 in Sanaa, the Houthi-controlled capital of Yemen.

“We hope that this will pave the way for new releases and bring comfort to families who have not yet seen loved ones from captivity,” said Daphne Mare, head of the Red Cross mission in Yemen.

The previous release of prisoners occurred more than a year ago – in April 2023. Then about 800 people were released on both sides. Thousands of people are still held by opposing sides.

The civil war in Yemen between the Iran-backed Houthis and the internationally recognized government has been raging for a decade. It claimed more than 370,000 lives and millions became refugees.

By Editor

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