Sharjah Airport Authority reviews the latest technology related to the industry in Germany

A delegation from the Sharjah International Airport Authority visited the Passenger Terminal Exhibition and Conference in Frankfurt, Germany, which was held from April 16 to 18.

The visit, whose delegation was headed by Ali Salem Al Midfa, Chairman of the Airport Authority, comes as part of the keenness to keep pace with the latest technological innovations and advanced infrastructure in this sector, exchange advanced ideas and experiences with industry leaders participating in the event, and listen to visions and perceptions on the topics being discussed by speakers and experts, in a way that contributes to In achieving the goals of airports to achieve a balance between growth and sustainability and striving to ensure the operational efficiency of services based on new technology.

The visiting delegation held rich dialogues with many senior officials from the companies that registered their presence at the exhibition, and discussed opportunities and prospects for cooperation and partnership with them, which enhances Sharjah Airport’s endeavor to provide the best experience to its traveling customers, and the continued development of the system of facilities, operations and services designed for them, and in line with Its strategy aims to be among the top 5 airports regionally in providing a safe travel experience and leading services to all customers, and to conclude partnerships that contribute to providing a work environment that supports innovation and drives growth in the Emirate of Sharjah.

By Editor

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