UGT calls a strike of Social Security medical inspectors |  Economy

The UGT union has called on Social Security medical inspectors to go on strike next Monday, April 29, in protest at the lack of security in which they carry out their duties and the high workloads they carry. These professionals, among other things, are in charge of evaluating whether workers who have been on medical leave for more than a year should continue in that situation or return to their position. The organizers have also called on this group to gather on the same day between 12:00 and 14:00 at the headquarters of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security in Madrid.

The Federation of Public Services of UGT explains that the increase in the workload for which they are calling for this strike has occurred due to the latest regulatory change that made the Medical Court disappear in disability proceedings, including communication to those affected by permanent disability or medical discharge. Thus, what was previously done by a collegiate and multidisciplinary body made up of five professionals who made joint decisions, is now done by a single medical inspector. This places these doctors, according to the union, “in a situation of danger and vulnerability when dealing with this type of complex sick leave, since the professional does not have sufficient security measures in highly conflictive consultations and there have already been numerous physical and verbal attacks,” this union denounces.

In addition, professionals point out that with this change their workloads have also increased and they do not have enough staff. According to calculations made by worker representatives, the staff of these Social Security inspectors should be increased by almost 30% to ensure quality service to citizens. At least, they point out that “better planning of personnel and an equitable distribution of the workload, with rotations in tasks” is essential.

Sources from the organization assure that the disappearance a year ago of these medical courts has generated a notable delay in the resolution of thousands of long-term temporary disability files. This situation has already led these professionals to strike for these same reasons on several occasions and autonomous communities in the last year, UGT recalls.

Salary conditions are also the reason for this protest, since the doctors of the medical inspection demand fixed salaries, without as much weight of variable supplements as until now. And, finally, they demand independence from the body that pays the benefits they must resolve, which creates a conflict of interest.

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