The average net salary in Israel is 7771 shekels, the median is 6044 shekels

According to the MASAV company, through which about 90 percent of salaries paid to employees pass, in March 2022, the number of salary recipients amounted to 3 million 658 thousand people. This is 10,000 more than when the coronavirus pandemic began in February 2020, but given population growth, in real terms, it is still less than before the crisis began.

The average net salary in March 2022 was NIS 7,771 per month, which is 7% higher than in February 2020. The median net salary was NIS 6,044 per month.

At the same time, the net salary of 45.4% was less than 5,300 shekels (that is, their gross salary is less than 6,000-6,300 shekels).

It should be noted that IACAV does not indicate in its reports whether the payee is full-time or part-time. In addition, employees who work two jobs are counted as two employees.

By Editor

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