Generations of Moroccan poetry in the Marrakesh Poetry House

The activities of the sixth session of “Ramadan Poetry Nights,” organized by the House of Poetry in Marrakesh, continued to celebrate the generations and experiences of modern Moroccan poetry.

Participating in the evening were: Muhammad Boujbeiry, Nour al-Din al-Zwaitni, Imad Afqir, and Zeina Bouhia, along with the artist and vocalist Mourad Ashfaj. Boujbeiry presented the text “The Poet’s Exile,” in which he says: “He would like to be far away from others,/far away,/also,/from The resemblance that resides in it. / He takes refuge in the sublime towering over him, / and in the sleeping cell. / He blows up the bridge of return, / and far and wide, / in the steppe of absence, / he is displaced, / and from the top of the crossing bridge he throws, / into the river, / with the memory of his return. / He realized, / with certainty, / that there is someone swimming on the dry land, / as if they were swimming pools of the signature of the ocean. / He lives in a den of illusion, / and dictates the way to others.

The poet Al-Zuwaitni chose to open his readings with a poem, “To Marrakesh”: “To Marrakesh, the destination / Feeling gnaws at your ribs / To Al-Hamra, nestling / On its walls of glory / To people and companions / whose affection has bestowed upon you.” In praise of the mother, and among what opens the poetry of memory, Al-Zuwaitni read from His recently published collection is the poem “Sleep, my son, sleep.” As for the poet Imad Afqir, who was recently crowned with the Golden Prize for Rhymes in Sharjah and the Arab Poetry Festival (2024), he says in his poem: “Do not stand as an idol”: “Saddle up your letters and let go of the bridle / and ride your conscience and mount it.” peaks, until he says: Poetry is nothing but a sigh that opened / the heart of the sad person, so what they concealed became clear / or a feather that painted his happiness / so aspire to your letter, do not stand as an idol.” The poet, Buhya, presented two vile poems, and she was the one who remained keen to enter the adventure of “vile” poetic writing. » From the questions of crafts and writing.

The audience distributed the “act of reception” between the positions of the poem and the positions of magic, in a dialogue of poetry and music within poetic sociable events, where poets and the singer-artist Murad Ashfaj met, to celebrate an enjoyable cultural and cognitive moment.

By Editor

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