An expert assesses: This is how the Ministry of Health succeeded in changing dietary habits

The Ministry of Health launched a new campaign in recent days to encourage drinking water instead of sugary drinks. Avi Zeitan, an expert in marketing and strategy, spoke today (Wednesday) with Anat Davidov on 103FM and commented on the matter: it also shows that the Ministry of Health has put it on the agenda. Investing millions in it. I understand that today there is a very comfortable climate because we all want to feel better, the zoom has become very significant, you see yourself and everyone wants to feel much healthier. It’s true that dieticians can prescribe you a diet with a little more fat, but that’s fine.”

A sign of things to come: the Ministry of Health will try to help us eat right

“Today you see on the shelf what used to be leading categories in the world of chocolate, a lot of processed food, some of which have lost half of the market share. You see a sharp shift to categories that have more healthy ingredients. This really affected the shelf – there is a sharp shift by Israelis today to products with green stickers. The Network Working on percentages from the sales cycle, the chain looks at the aggregate and at the end of the standards, there was still income. The shopping basket has not changed in Israel, the internal mix of healthier products has changed,” he added.

Also, Zeitan referred to another step taken by the Ministry of Health against unhealthy food, marking it with red or green stickers, and said that “this is a tremendous success. There is a really great success here, which means inciting products, people buy less products with a red sticker on them It was two years ago, they decided to come out during a very strong connection to health, connected to this trend and started a protest here, how could it be that we as parents do not know how to choose the food and drinks for our children.”

Product labeling (photo: Mark Israel Salem)

“There was a very big marketing move, they started and there was an uncomfortable feeling for all the companies that don’t do it, they gave the companies something like two years to prepare. They gave preparation, there were quite a few programs on TV. Why was it very successful? It’s about real estate that is on the product , when you go to the supermarket or shop on the website, you see the stickers on each product. You feel uncomfortable buying yourself or your children products with a red sticker, ‘What does this mean about me as a parent?’ There is something terribly emotional about the level of involvement that we want to be better parents,” he said.

According to him, “We are really smarter consumers today. Israel is rising and becoming a much better place in terms of fat, the whole world of children, we are making much more positive progress because there is awareness. The children are also very involved, they learn it in school, they include health education And nutrition is better. Sarad Health helped us, the most central real estate in the center of every package of every product you have a sticker that tells you left or right, healthy or unhealthy. There are much more convenient indicators, we learned to look for them. Red is a warning, it’s a bad sign, something dangerous.”

By Editor

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