Five vegetables we didn't know were superfoods
Just when we thought we already knew everything about superfoods, we discovered that there are quite a few more that have passed under our radar. Here are five vegetables that you probably didn’t know can contribute a lot to your health – from reducing bloating to preventing fatigue and reducing stress.

Asparagus for bloating

Swelling is one of the most common symptoms (especially after weeks) and it is likely that most of you will suffer from it at some point in your life. There are many ways to deal with bloating, but few know that there is one super tasty and nutritious vegetable that can help you with it. According to French researchers, it was found that eating asparagus, that stem vegetable that stars in quite a few dishes by chefs, can reduce bloating and gas by 55 percent in just 10 days.

All thanks to a natural compound found in asparagus, known as FOS, which contributes to the presence of friendly bacteria in the intestines. The same bacteria help maintain healthy digestion and thus can reduce conditions such as bloating and gas. All you have to do is incorporate at least six asparagus stalks into your daily menu and you’ll see how the swelling goes down.

Artichoke against fatigue

Feeling tired? Eat more artichokes. According to a Swedish study, four artichokes or eight artichoke hearts per week can help reduce fatigue by 60 percent. All thanks to silymarin, an antioxidant found in artichokes. Silymarin contributes to the absorption of minerals that fight fatigue and exhaustion, such as potassium and magnesium – and in addition also helps to release enzymes that contribute to turning food into energy.

Mushrooms against cravings

Are you on a diet and having trouble dealing with junk food cravings? According to a study done at the University of Minnesota, it seems that mushrooms can help you quite a bit in this matter. Researchers have found that half a cup of mushrooms in your daily menu can help you lose weight 50 percent faster. How are mushrooms related to weight loss? Well, they are rich in dietary fiber and protein (which contribute to a long-lasting feeling of satiety and thus prevent cravings). In addition to this, they contain complex carbohydrates that contribute to balancing the blood sugar level, one of the most important things in a diet. An imbalance in the blood sugar level (manifested by extreme increases and decreases in the sugar level) can lead to an increased appetite and thus impair the weight loss process.

It turns out that the compounds responsible for the spicy taste of the radish can also help reduce anxiety and stress. A study done at Northwestern University shows that consuming two radishes can reduce mental stress by 50 percent – in just two minutes. According to the researchers, it appears that the same compounds responsible for the radish’s strong taste encourage the brain to release endorphins, hormones that induce a sense of calm. So if you’ve recently been feeling more stressed than usual (and unfortunately there are quite a few reasons for that), incorporate more radish into your salads.

An energy boost

According to a Norwegian study, consuming turnips can help restore energy, if you feel more tired than usual. According to the researchers, three turnips a week can increase cardiopulmonary endurance and prevent states of exhaustion and lack of energy. The reason for this is apparently an organic compound called indole found in turnips, which activates enzymes that promote detoxification in the liver.

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