Do you know the most appropriate times to exercise during Ramadan?

Specialists and sports experts agree that the best time to exercise in Ramadan is in two periods, an hour to an hour and a half before breakfast, so that sports activity ends near breakfast time to quickly replace the body with fluids, mineral salts and lost energy.

The second period is three to four hours after breakfast, when the body has completed the process of digesting food comfortably without being exposed to indigestion problems. The choice of period depends on age and health condition.

In general, it is recommended to exercise during Ramadan at any time when the fasting person feels comfortable and happy while exercising and is able to exercise without significant fatigue.

It is not recommended for the elderly and those with special health conditions, such as those with diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease, to exercise during Ramadan, as the body at the end of the Ramadan day is exhausted and extremely dry. On the other hand, there is no objection to young people and those in good health exercising in moderate climates away from the heat. extreme humidity or humidity.

It is preferable that exercise be done in enclosed spaces with good ventilation and air conditioning to protect the fasting person from heat and sunstroke, as hot weather increases the body’s loss of fluids and susceptibility to dehydration. Exercise should be done an hour to an hour and a half before breakfast, and the exercise period should not exceed an hour so as not to The fasting person experiences great fatigue, and exercise should be light and moderate in intensity, such as walking, jogging, riding a bicycle, or using equipment of moderate speed and intensity.

By Editor

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