8 drinks to help eliminate phlegm and reduce cough

Using honey, ash leaves, ivy, ginger, and garlic properly can dilute phlegm, clear airways, and reduce cough.

Phlegm appears due to respiratory infections such as pneumonia, mild infections, tuberculosis, lung cancer, bronchitis, sinusitis, and pharyngitis. The cause can be viruses, bacteria, and fungi. To effectively remove phlegm, you need to clearly know the cause. Besides taking medicine, using a humidifier, resting, and choosing some good drinks also help reduce phlegm.

Water Increases moisture in mucus so it can escape easily. Patients should drink more water than usual, and can drink herbal tea or juice. Using nasal spray is also helpful.

Honey Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, used to reduce coughs and nasal congestion. Drinking honey twice a day helps improve inflammation, soothe symptoms of respiratory infections, and relieve phlegm.

Using honey directly, mixing it with warm water or adding it to herbal teas are all good. Parents can mix honey with orange juice or juice for children over one year old to drink. Do not use honey for children under one year old because of the high risk of poisoning.

Ginger widely used as medicine and spice in cooking. Ginger contributes to reducing congestion and acts as a natural expectorant. People with phlegm cough can pound ginger and boil it for a few minutes, drinking ginger water or ginger tea during the day.

However, ginger can cause digestive disorders, heartburn and nausea if used too much. People with low blood pressure should avoid using ginger because it can cause blood pressure to drop faster.

Garlic has many uses and is popular in many families. It contains allicin, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties and helps loosen phlegm. People with coughs can crush garlic, mix it with honey and take a spoonful three times a day or eat raw garlic and add it to stir-fry and braised dishes. People who are taking anticoagulants should not use garlic. ‌

Lemon basil (Ashlar leaf) is an herb that thins mucus and is used in many cough and phlegm relievers. Adults can pick 3-4 lemon basil leaves, wash them, crush them and mix with 1-2 grains of salt, then drink directly. Parents use about 10 lemon basil leaves, steamed with lemon, honey, and rock sugar to make a natural cough medicine mixture for children to use.

Licorice Has the ability to thin mucus and reduce sore throat. Add half a teaspoon of licorice to a cup of water and boil for 10 minutes, then use. Gargling with half a teaspoon of licorice mixed with warm water every day helps thin out phlegm faster.

Mint Contains peppermint essential oil, which improves symptoms of infection by improving muscle spasms in the respiratory tract. Add a drop of peppermint oil to hot water and use it for steaming or drinking mint tea, sucking on mint candy.

Vera with anti-inflammatory properties, soothes and reduces respiratory irritation.

Ivy leaves Has an expectorant effect, helps widen the airways, and stimulates fluid secretion to expel phlegm.

By Editor

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