6 reasons why hair falls out easily

Hair loss is a fairly common condition, common not only in women but also in men. Below are 6 causes of hair loss, according to Dr. Nguyen Duy Quan, Department of Skin Aesthetics, Ho Chi Minh City Dermatology Hospital.

Change your diet

Protein in food is an important ingredient to help hair grow strong and healthy. Every day, we need about 0.8 g of protein per kg of weight.

If you are on a carnivore diet, this protein deficiency can be the cause of hair loss.

Vitamin deficiency

Vitamin B12 and vitamin D help keep the scalp healthy and stimulate better hair growth. A deficiency of these vitamins causes hair to fall out easily.

Meat, milk, and vitamin supplements may be necessary in cases of hair loss due to deficiency of these vitamins.

Birth control pills

Progesterone in birth control pills can cause hair loss. If you are taking birth control pills and experiencing hair loss, consult your doctor to switch to other, more suitable birth control pills.


Hormonal changes during pregnancy cause hair to fall out easily. This condition can last 3-4 months after birth. In most cases, hair loss will recover on its own.


The habit of tying your hair in a bun causes the hair to always be in a state of tension, which is also the cause of hair loss.

Perm, straighten, dye hair

“Hair styling” with chemicals and heat makes hair weaker and more likely to fall out. Therefore, to keep your hair healthy, limit your hair’s exposure to the above harmful factors.

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