4 side effects of lemon water

Drinking a lot of lemon juice can affect tooth enamel. High acidity can easily cause heartburn, stomach damage, and nausea.

Lemon water provides fluid and electrolytes, helps prevent dehydration, reduces fatigue, and muscle cramps. Lemons contain abundant folate, potassium and vitamin C that support immune function and protect cells from damage. Adults can use 2-3 lemons a day. Drinking a lot of lemon drinks can easily cause side effects.

Worn tooth enamel

People who drink lemon juice regularly can cause tooth damage and cavities due to the acidity in food. Some ways to prevent this condition are to use a straw to keep your teeth from direct contact with lemons, and to brush your teeth after drinking lemon juice or citrus fruits.

Stomach upset

Some people use lemon water to improve digestion. Because the acid in lemon juice can help break down food, stimulate bile production, and support digestion. However, if used too much, the high acid in lemon has a negative impact on the stomach, causing heartburn and indigestion. People with a history of acid reflux should consult their doctor before using lemon water.

Frequent urination

Water is a natural diuretic, and although this is often beneficial for people with urinary tract infections, it can cause trouble for people who urinate frequently or have bladder problems. After drinking lemon juice, urine output increases too much, so consumption should be reduced.

Reduced effectiveness of some medications

Lemons contain good antioxidants that reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. However, lemon juice can interact with many medications, reducing their effectiveness or causing side effects.

This beverage may prevent the absorption of some antibiotics and thyroid medications. People who are taking medication should consult their doctor before drinking lemon water.

You should not drink lemon juice directly because it can directly affect the stomach because of the strong acidity in lemon. You should dilute lemon juice with filtered water. Do not mix with water that is too hot as it can cause the beneficial enzymes in lemon to break down, making it ineffective when drinking.

You should not use this drink when hungry because it causes discomfort, nausea, and can easily lead to stomach ulcers. You should drink enough lemon water after meals.

People who are following a detox regimen can drink lemon water mixed with honey every day. This fruit also promotes bile production in the body.

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