9 summer weight loss drinks

Coconut water, lemon juice, green tea, and herbal tea not only help quench your thirst on hot days, but also provide substances that promote fat burning to keep you in shape.

Cucumber juice

Cucumber water is cool, supports detoxification, replenishes water suitable for weight loss, and enhances the body’s nutrition. Instead of just drinking water, add a few slices of cucumber to a glass of water to get double the benefits.

Herbal tea

Drinking a cup of herbal tea in the morning is good for weight loss. Herbal teas including dandelion, ginger, and licorice root both detoxify the body and keep fit.

Dandelion roots have a natural diuretic effect. Ginger aids digestion and boosts metabolism. Licorice root tea reduces appetite.


Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, which boosts metabolism. Pectin is a type of fiber in citrus fruits that helps increase feelings of fullness and reduce snacking.

Drinking lemon water in the morning helps eliminate toxins and helps reduce indigestion. The acidic nature of lemon also has the ability to reduce bloating and inflammation.

Green tea

Green tea is rich in catechins, powerful antioxidants that can boost metabolism and burn fat. In particular, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in green tea promotes metabolism, combined with caffeine – a stimulant that increases calorie consumption.

Green tea is rich in catechins, antioxidants. Image: Bao Bao

Black tea

Like green tea, black tea has caffeine (about 47 mg per cup), which promotes fat oxidation. It also contains many polyphenols, compounds that have the ability to reduce calorie intake, increase healthy bacteria in the intestines and fat breakdown.

Turmeric water

Turmeric is a spice that helps reduce inflammation in the body. Prolonged inflammation contributes to weight gain. Turmeric water can help improve metabolism, reduce bloating, and is good for digestion. Mix turmeric powder with warm water, add a little honey or lemon to create a delicious, nutritious drink.

Apple cider vinegar water

Apple cider vinegar is a popular ingredient for weight loss. The acetic acid contained in this drink breaks down fats, contributing to reducing blood sugar levels, thereby preventing cravings for sugary foods. Drink apple cider vinegar mixed with water, honey and lemon juice in the morning to alkalize the body and reduce bloating.

Vegetable juice

Fruit juices often contain a lot of sugar but fresh vegetable juices are healthier because they are low in sugar and carbs. They provide many vitamins and nutrients necessary for health, increasing daily vegetable intake. Vegetables suitable for making juice include carrots, spinach, celery, lettuce, kale…

Coconut water

Coconut water has a cool flavor, not only replenishes electrolytes but also increases energy after exercise. This drink is low in calories, has a low glycemic index, contains no fat, and is beneficial for weight control.

Nutrients such as potassium and enzymes in coconut water also improve metabolism, burning more calories in the body.

By Editor

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