8 dishes rich in heart-healthy omega-3

In addition to salmon, mackerel, flaxseed oil, eggs, shellfish, walnuts also provide omega-3 fatty acids for the body, which are good for the heart.

Omega-3 includes three types of DHA, EPA and ALA, which are essential fatty acids that help maintain normal cell activity and support heart and brain health. This type of fatty acid also has many benefits for the heart such as reducing triglycerides, increasing good HDL cholesterol levels, preventing blood clot formation… Below are foods that supplement omega-3 for the body.


100 g of mackerel provides 500% of the daily value (DV) of vitamin B12 and 130% of the DV of selenium. This serving also contains 4,580 mg of the omega-3 mixture EPA and DHA.


Salmon is one of the most nutrient-dense foods. It contains high quality protein, various nutrients such as vitamin D, B vitamins, selenium. The omega-3 content in 100 g of salmon is 2,150 mg of a mixture of EPA and DHA.

Flaxseed and flaxseed oil

Flaxseeds contain the omega-3 type ALA, which the body converts to EPA and DHA. Flaxseed oil is easy to add to smoothies. Ground flaxseed toasted with bread adds flavor. One tablespoon of ground flaxseeds and flaxseed oil contains ALA content of 2,350 mg and 7,249 mg, respectively.


Eggs are not only rich in choline, protein, vitamins, and antioxidants but also provide good fats. Although it does not contain as much omega-3 as fatty fish and flaxseed oil, each egg has up to 225 mg, mainly EPA and DHA.

Soy bean

A half-cup serving of boiled soybeans contains 280 mg of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids. This is a healthy source of nutrition for vegetarians and vegans. Soybeans are also rich in protein (8 g per half cup) and fiber (4 g per half cup), suitable for eating as a snack, helping to feel full for a long time.


These nuts contain a lot of heart-healthy polyunsaturated fats. A serving of 7 walnuts has up to 1.28 g of ALA. Walnut oil provides 10 times more omega-3 than olive oil. In addition to being used as snacks, walnuts can be processed into many different dishes. Add them to chicken dishes to increase the amount of DHA and EPA for the body.


The omega-3 content in half a cup of lentils is 240 mg. Lentils are rich in fiber, suitable for people who want to lose weight thanks to their ability to increase fat metabolism and regulate appetite. This food contains resistant starch, a form of slow-digesting fiber that triggers the release of acetate in the intestines stimulating feelings of fullness.


These are a good source of omega-3 because many varieties contain all three forms of omega-3. Typical seafoods are oysters with 0.67 g, lobster with 0.21 g, scallops with 0.15 g of omega-3 per 85 g serving.

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