5 types of vegetables and fruits that are good for people with depression

Avocados, strawberries, mushrooms, and walnuts are rich in vitamins and minerals that help reduce symptoms of depression and are good for mood.

Depression is a mental disorder that makes people stressed, sad, lethargic, lacking energy, and tired. There are many support and treatment methods to help the patient’s mood improve and reduce anxiety, including eating certain foods.


Avocados are rich in folate (vitamin B9), potassium, tryptophan and vitamin K, which can reduce symptoms of depression. According to a 2017 meta-analysis by the University of Guelph, Canada, based on 54 studies, monounsaturated fatty acids in avocados are good for the brain and have anti-depressant effects.

Once fatty acids are in the brain, they are converted into various metabolites such as eicosanoids and endocannabinoids. Eicosanoids are hormone-like compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties and are essential for normal brain function. Endocannabinoids act in the central nervous system to regulate synaptic plasticity, neurotransmitter release, and have neuroprotective effects.


Berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and grapes contain many antioxidants that can protect the body from cell damage. A 2012 study by the National University of Mexico, found that berries have mood-enhancing and calming effects in people with depression and related conditions.

Chemical compounds in berries also help regulate mood swings, maintain cognitive health, improve alertness and delay the onset of dementia.

Strawberries contain antioxidants that have the ability to improve mood and calm the mind. Image: May Cat


Mushrooms provide lots of B vitamins and selenium. A 2018 analysis by the University of Pennsylvania, USA, based on 194 studies, showed that deficiencies in these nutrients are associated with depressive symptoms. Supplementing selenium (from foods such as mushrooms and vegetables) has the effect of regulating different neurotransmitter systems.


Tomatoes are packed with antioxidants, iron, vitamin B6 and tryptophan, nutrients the brain needs to produce mood-regulating chemicals. A 2013 study by Tianjin Medical University, China, on 986 people aged 70 and up, showed that people who ate tomatoes 2-6 times a week had a 46% lower risk of mild to severe depressive symptoms. compared to people who eat less than once a week. A diet rich in tomatoes helps prevent symptoms of depression and is good for emotions.


Walnuts provide several mood-boosting nutrients including omega-3 fatty acids, copper, iron, antioxidants and magnesium. According to a 2019 review by the University of California, USA, based on 26 studies, more than 26,000 participants, people who eat a lot of walnuts (about 24 g per day) have fewer symptoms of depression than people who do not eat this fruit. This effect is present in both sexes but is stronger in women.

People who eat a lot of walnuts have increased concentration, higher energy levels, interest in working, and better ability to control their speech and movement speed. Levels of depression and characteristics related to this condition were also lower in people who consumed walnuts.

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