How many calories do you burn in 10 minutes of training?  Dr. Maya Roseman explains
“Ten minutes of doing sports is nothing, it’s exactly the same as sitting and watching TV” – really? Definately not. Every ten minutes you move and do something is preferable to ten minutes of sitting.And as you know – both are possible. It is possible to watch news or a series while walking or exercising on an elliptical and any other activity. Studies in the past have shown that you need to do sports for at least 40 minutes continuously to start burning fat, but then, newer studies have shown that even an effective 20-minute workout gives results, and now we are already talking about the fact that instead of sitting all day, even ten minutes of physical activity is better.

And if we do 10 minutes a few times a day, it can certainly add up to something that we can call a “training” that we did. Don’t forget: if you do a ten-minute activity a day for the abdominal muscles, for example, you will have very strong abdominal muscles in a very short time.

A ten-minute workout for the hands with or without weights – significantly contributes to shaping the arms and significantly reduces the “salt and pepper” phenomenon (depletion in the triceps muscle). Persistence in training ten minutes a day of gluteal and hip muscles can contribute to a firm appearance up to a size less in pants.

And as someone who has absolutely no patience for long hour and a half yoga classes, I have to admit that even just 20 minutes of yoga every day has helped my flexibility and back pain amazingly. It’s worthwhile and worthwhile and not an investment of a lot of time! I invite you to try.


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