How beneficial is walking for people with diabetes?

Walking helps diabetics control weight, stabilize blood sugar, reduce stress and improve insulin sensitivity.

The main goal of diabetes treatment is to control blood sugar well, keeping the index at a stable level of about 80-130 mg/dl when fasting or 180 mg/dl after meals. There are many ways for people with diabetes to manage blood sugar, including medication, healthy eating, and exercise. Exercises such as yoga, swimming, and walking help the body become more sensitive to the hormone insulin. Below are 8 specific benefits of walking.

Control blood sugar levels: Regular walking helps reduce blood sugar levels by enhancing insulin sensitivity, allowing cells to use glucose (sugar) effectively. This reduces the need for excess insulin production and aids in diabetes control.

Weight management: Walking contributes to weight loss or maintaining a stable weight, good digestion, and reducing excess body fat. Obesity is a factor that increases the risk of diabetes complications.

Improve cardiovascular health: Exercising 30 minutes a day and at least 5 sessions a week brings many benefits to physical and mental health, improving cardiovascular health. Walking helps lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels and limit the risk of cardiovascular disease – a common complication of diabetes.

Enhance circulation: This form of exercise also stimulates blood flow, promoting better circulation, which is beneficial for diabetics with reduced blood circulation.

Elderly people exercise in Hanoi. Illustration: Ngoc Thanh

Reduce stress: Exercise helps reduce stress by releasing endorphins, keeping mood stable, and reducing cortisol levels that can affect blood sugar. Diabetics can walk 20-30 minutes a day and maintain it regularly.

Increase energy levels: Diabetes can reduce energy levels, making the body tired. Fluctuations in blood sugar levels also negatively impact the body’s energy. Regular walking can boost overall energy levels, combating fatigue associated with this disease.

Improve insulin sensitivity: People who walk regularly can increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin, increase the cell’s ability to absorb glucose, and contribute to blood sugar control.

Increase joint flexibility and strength: Joint health is also better because walking improves flexibility and strength, which is beneficial for diabetics with joint problems.

According to the American Diabetes Association, everyone should walk at least 30 minutes or 10,000 steps a day, including people with diabetes. Patients should consult their treating physician for advice on an exercise regimen appropriate to their age and stamina.

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