Meta denies that they are working on introducing ads on WhatsApp

Meta has denied that the company is working on introducing ads in the messaging application WhatsApp, even describing the information provided by the Financial Times as “false.”

The head of WhatsApp, Will Cathcart, has denied that they are working on a feature that would show ads on the messaging platform plans that, according to FT, would have generated controversy among Meta employees.

In its information, in which it cites three sources familiar with this matter, FT shares that the introduction of announcements in conversation lists, on the Chat screen of the application. The possibility of implementing a subscription to keep the service free of ads.

These plans they would not have been liked by the employees and even some senior executive would have expressed their concern about possible degradation of service that ends up pushing users to resort to other free-to-use applications.

However, Meta has denied this. “We cannot answer for every conversation that someone has had in the company, but we are not testing this, working on this and it is not in our plans at all“he assured the FT in a statement.

For his part, Cathcart has directly qualified the FT story as “false”” in a post on (TWitter) and has assured that they are not doing what is reported in it.

By Editor

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