Was ist “normal”? Debatte erreicht neues Level

After the dispute between ÖVP and FPÖ, the normality debate is now reaching the European level.

The dispute between ÖVP and FPÖ about political positioning and “normality” has reached a new level. Now the Vice President of the EU Parliament Othmar Karas also commented on this. “For me, the entire current debate – with ‘me or you’, ‘we against’ or ‘our people’ and other terms – is incomprehensible. It completely misses the issues of the people,” he said in statements during his summer tour also asked by Chancellor Karl Nehammer.

When asked about Alexander Van der Bellen’s admonishing words at the opening of the Bregenz Festival, Karas said on Tirol Live, according to the Tiroler Tageszeitung: “I support the Federal President when he says that he regrets that there is a lack of courage, a competition of ideas, to articulate visions and to argue politics.”

Meanwhile, Upper Austria’s Social Provincial Councilor Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer (ÖVP) shot back in the direction of the Freedom Party. Herbert Kickl is “unthinkable” in an FPÖ-ÖVP government as Chancellor. The Federal President commented on the debate, which he is entitled to do. The alleged radicalization on the fringes is “a huge opportunity for the ÖVP”, which Hattmannsdorfer, like many party colleagues before, has positioned in the middle.

By Editor

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