India suffocates in the heat, New Delhi 'boiling': perceived temperature 50 degrees

Il suffocating heat continues to give no respite in India. The heat wave, which is affecting some areas of the north of the Asian giant, could last until next Wednesday, warned by the meteorology department, as reported by the BBC, while in several regions problems with water and electricity begin to increase due of the increase in consumption. Yesterday the mercury rose above 45 degrees in many states. In Barmer, Rajasthan, it reached 48.8. And in New Delhi the demand for energy reached a new record in the history of the Indian capital which this week had temperatures between 45 and 46 degrees.

According to experts, the heat index, the perceived temperature exceeded 50 degrees due to the humidity. Cases of heat-related illnesses have increased. On Thursday in Delhi the mercury was 41 degrees, one degree above normal, but the perceived temperature was much higher, as if it were 50 degrees, Indian media reported. And, we read in the Times of India, between today and tomorrow the risk is a perceived 54-56 degrees.

“This year Delhi is hot”, summarized to the BBC Rohit Nair, 34 years old, who works here and denounces an unbearable situation, in which it is “impossible to be without air conditioning”. Tomorrow in Delhi we will vote in the sixth round of the general elections.

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