“Trump is crazy”, the advert for Biden

“Donald Trump went nuts.” The voice of Robert De Niro for Joe Biden’s advert against Donald Trump in view of the 2024 US elections. The Hollywood star, who has never hidden his ‘lack of approval’ for the former president, lends his voice to the campaign advert of Biden.

“From midnight tweets, to sips of bleach” recommended during Covid, “to tear gas against citizens. We knew Trump was out of control when he was president. But then, when he lost the elections in 2020 he lost his mind, desperately trying to stay in power. Now he’s running again, this time he’s threatening to be a dictator and to cancel the Constitution. Trump wants revenge and nothing will stop him,” says De Niro.

The commercial comes a few days after the statements that De Niro made about Trump during his participation in the program The View: “I don’t understand why people don’t take him seriously. Historically, in other countries they haven’t taken” leaders seriously. “I think of Hitler and Mussolini… ‘they’re stupid, clowns…’. Why don’t we think this guy will do exactly what he says? He’s already done it. So what? We’ll sit around saying ‘we told you so ‘It will happen: if he is elected, he will change this country.”

By Editor

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