Preventing digestive diseases in children during hot weather

Children with digestive disorders often have typical symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation. Children also have more bowel movements than usual, with watery stools. You should pay attention to signs of dehydration, including thirst, asking for water, and let your child rehydrate.

During the days your child is sick, you need to provide enough nutrition including all protein groups (chicken, lean pork, beef); starches (white rice, bread, potatoes); green vegetables. It should be simmered into soup, porridge, boiled or steamed, and can be combined with a little fresh ginger to be good for the child’s digestive system. Limit greasy fried foods because they cause indigestion and make diarrhea worse. You give your baby more yogurt, fruits rich in nutrients that supplement electrolytes and fiber such as bananas, sapodilla, guava, and apples.

During the care process, you need to pay attention to the number of times your child defecates and the condition of the stool to check the degree of dehydration. Severe dehydration in children can cause impaired circulation, shock, and can be life-threatening. Electrolyte disorders cause seizures, coma, and acute kidney failure.

When your child has loose, watery stools with mucus mixed with blood or black stools with an unpleasant odor, you should take your child to the hospital immediately. The baby has a high fever over 39 degrees Celsius, prolonged bowel movements, no urination within three hours, cries without tears, dry lips (sign of dehydration), sunken eyes (sign of dehydration and electrolyte disorder). You also need to go to the hospital for timely examination and treatment.

Children with signs of digestive disorders are taken by their parents to be examined at Tam Anh General Hospital System. Illustration: Hospital provided

Most children with digestive disorders and diarrhea are closely related to their daily diet. The main causes are food that is not processed carefully, contaminated with bacteria or parasites. Children with allergies who cannot metabolize proteins or are intolerant to sugars can also be the cause of diarrhea. Eating unscientifically, too often, too much food has a negative impact on the digestive system…

The hot season is a favorable condition that makes food susceptible to bacterial contamination. Food stored in the refrigerator without ensuring temperature and hygiene can lead to infection, systemic poisoning, and liver and kidney damage.

To prevent diseases for children, you should buy food from reputable sources, ensure quality, prepare enough food for each meal, and limit storing processed food in the refrigerator. Avoid feeding children street food because it is not prepared properly and is displayed outside in a smoky and dusty atmosphere.

By Editor

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