A man was arrested on suspicion of kidnapping and raping a Jewish woman as “revenge for Palestine”
Suspected of a shocking anti-Semitic incident in France: The Paris police arrested a man on suspicion of kidnapping a Jewish woman in the suburbs of the French capital, raping her and threatening her life. In his investigation he admitted that “the acts were carried out as revenge for Palestine”.According to reports in France, the Jewish woman called her mother the other day and informed her that she was being held captive in the apartment of a man she met a week ago. According to police sources, the same man also sent messages to the Jewish woman’s family. Among other things, he sent a message to her mother that read: “Good luck, you will never find your daughter, you will never see her again, I will listen to your daughter.” He also sent a similar message to the woman’s ex-boyfriend, explaining to him that he wanted to “avenge Palestine.”

The mother who received the phone call from her daughter contacted the police, who managed to locate the apartment where she was being held. A special intervention force of the Nanter police broke into the apartment and rescued the woman safe and sound.

The suspect, a 32-year-old man, was arrested for questioning. He is suspected of kidnapping and rape. According to police sources, the man was arrested on suspicion of holding the woman against her will and threatening her with murder, using drugs and religiously motivated threats. The suspect was brought before a judge for remand.

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