Google opens the AI ​​Test Kitchen app to the public to test its advanced chatbox LaMDA

With the AI Test Kitchen app, Google has made the beta test of the updated LaMDA conversational model available to the general public so they can speak with this cutting-edge “chatbox” for themselves.

Google unveiled the second iteration of the LaMDA conversational model in May as part of the Google I/O 2022 conference. With this model, Google is already able to provide several subtasks or advise in response to user requests.

LaMDA can respond with “You’re at the bottom of the ocean!” if a user inputs “Imagine I’m at the deepest section of the ocean. Over your head, swimming, is a huge sea monster. A moray eel, that is! It appears to be waving at you!

The AI Test Kitchen program, which was also unveiled in May, allows users to test its functionality. The IT company has now stated that it would gradually open to the public, with a waiting list.

According to the website of AI Test Kitchen, LaMDA is a generative language model, which implies that it “can make text from anything” since it “recognizes patterns in the language that predict what comes next.”

With this application, Google hopes to learn from users’ experiences and modify LaMDA’s development to increase security. It also “gives a peek of what it could be like to have LaMDA in your hands and utilize it for things that matter to you: creativity, planning, learning, and more,” the business claims.

By Editor

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